Stratega took part in the consultancy activities for a French newsprint paper manufacturer facing increased demand and operational uncertainties leading to potential losses and inefficiencies. Within a tight timeframe of less than a week, Stratega identified four key areas for improvement. As a result, the printing house achieved a remarkable 20% reduction in operational costs through improved efficiency and supply management.

The implementation of the Operational Excellence methodology led to a 30% increase in NOP (from -10% to +20%) and a significant improvement in market share due to better plant utilization and improved business profitability. The results were confirmed in the years following Stratega's intervention. The work done has created a solid foundation of processes and technologies, durable and with great future potential.

Through our Asset Care program and our work with the team, the company was able to improve line availability, OEE and OTIF of products, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure profit. Our work has also created a culture of failure prevention and enabled them to better manage plants, ensuring customer satisfaction and company growth.

Stratega has helped implement a successful TPM program, customizing the approach based on the specific particularities and challenges of their organization. The turning point of the project was to complement the training material, which in itself was very comprehensive, with an on-demand coaching activity. Thanks to this, the result was a 20:1 ROI in just 9 months, with a target audience of 1750 people.

The result of the project was a success, with a very high ROI compared to the cost of the activity. After the first three months of operation, improvements in productivity and implementation of the business strategy have already been seen. The client expressed satisfaction with the work done, confirming our experience and expertise in Team Building & Coaching for management teams.

Customer Goods

Public Administration


Building Materials


This article discusses strategies to reduce manufacturing costs, including process optimization, efficiency improvement, and materials and services research.

Risk is inherently unpredictable; the ability of the risk manager is demonstrated through the creation of potential solutions capable of keeping the achievement of the set goal intact.

Empowering others by delegating what another person can best perform by virtue of his or her own abilities, communicating effectively, and making complex decisions.

Leadership is the ability to lead a given group of people toward a goal; the characteristics that are identified in leadership are communication and motivational skills. A leader's strength is directly proportional to his or her ability to best manage the team he or she chooses to form.

A practical guide to organizing the workplace by immediately applying the 5S principles.

Benefits of implementing 5S methodology in the healthcare industry, including …

Strategies for developing leadership skills and preparing future leaders within …

"Lorem ispum dolor sit"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed interdum ut est ac imperdiet. Praesent volutpat sapien vel metus vestibulum euismod. Ut eget mi ut nisl efficitur finibus. Nullam maximus ante eget libero interdum finibus. Aenean nec leo ipsum. Duis in tempus nibh, auctor porttitor mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur ac facilisis mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut at tempor velit, ut dapibus tellus.

Cras nec vestibulum nunc. Curabitur urna ipsum, convallis ut ultricies vitae, laoreet at nisi. Vivamus ac ipsum vitae augue facilisis viverra. Proin condimentum justo a odio rhoncus, at varius felis cursus. Fusce convallis tincidunt pretium. Duis dictum diam mollis gravida iaculis. Praesent dignissim faucibus orci, ut placerat urna dignissim nec. Ut ullamcorper pharetra consectetur.

"Lorem ispum dolor sit"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed interdum ut est ac imperdiet. Praesent volutpat sapien vel metus vestibulum euismod. Ut eget mi ut nisl efficitur finibus. Nullam maximus ante eget libero interdum finibus. Aenean nec leo ipsum. Duis in tempus nibh, auctor porttitor mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur ac facilisis mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut at tempor velit, ut dapibus tellus.

"Lorem ispum dolor sit"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed interdum ut est ac imperdiet. Praesent volutpat sapien vel metus vestibulum euismod. Ut eget mi ut nisl efficitur finibus. 

Cras nec vestibulum nunc. Curabitur urna ipsum, convallis ut ultricies vitae, laoreet at nisi. Vivamus ac ipsum vitae augue facilisis viverra. Proin condimentum justo a odio rhoncus, at varius felis cursus. Fusce convallis tincidunt pretium. Duis dictum diam mollis gravida iaculis. Praesent dignissim faucibus orci, ut placerat urna dignissim nec. Ut ullamcorper pharetra consectetur.

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